ES short term trading 6-29-10

LOL well, i going to start out with a big essay on why i thought we'd see a surprisingly large down move today but the market has frontrunned me again!....
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last one stopped at was a good try....excellent point Kool!!
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I'd like to see bulls hold this and close above hour lows......still amazes me how much money some folks have to hold this long jealous..but even if I had tons of $$$ I have no clue with longer term direction...

what surprises me more is that 61.50 hasn't printed in the RTH session.....that is like a giant magnet so It will take a lot for me to not find longs tomorrow....that is assuming of course they don't run it up O/N.......42.50 is obvious too...
FWIW...3war is 48 points this week so subtracting that from Mondays high gets us to 1030.50 !!! Fun stuff.....todays low 1030!!!! now if only I could short 78 and cover at that would be a lot more useful and FUN!!!
LOL.. I know what you mean Bruce... if i had the guts to hold on my 1074.25 short from last nite id be rich! But thats ok, i'll take my nickles and dimes as long as im taking and not giving. Fwiw, after abottom here or more likely soon tomorrow the gann day today was supposed to be a low, and longer term i expect a rebound into friday, giving bulls false hope, but we;ll see. God,
if only i could have gotten that 1048.00 short(i think the market stalled at 1047.25 or .50 ) i would have held for at least 41. That would have been sweet, but i guess theres always tomorrow!