ES 6-27-2011

O/N volume profile for everyone. O/N low of 1257 is also the RTH low from Thursday.

Looks like prices will be opening at the lows of Friday's Value.

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Complete Window Run
sold the plus 4...trying to get under 66 low volume..
adding at the 70 print...triples below ...gonna get interesting now..right into low volume node of friday...a better spot to sell!!
Have single prints all the way up to 1272

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2011 06 271024
other low spot from Friday is 75 ...needs this to roll down now in front of hour completetion
added at the plus 8 due to two sets of will fill......I hope !!
trying to get that would be air fill ( second set)..tricky target as that is inside the low volume areas ( single primnts ) from fridays trade.....I may be expecting too much......hour range is done......
Staying above O/N high and daily pivot at 70.50..continued melt-up?
growing impatient up here.......I know folks like me would be looking to sell at 75 area if they attempt the hour run breakout again...want $ticks to print a minus 700 otherwise I need to cover....consolidating above the single prints from friday is NOT good for us shorts...

Only thing keeping me is the low volume...but that can create vertical volume surges against my trade
...90 minute fade range is about up window/pitbull trades are higher risk..
any trade that closes above the 90 minute highs on this next 30 minute bar sets up two sets of single prints....
that's me done at 76 even...just too close to days end now..don't care if they fill the air or not now...63.75 goes on the radar as a key price for me...unfinished business down there...lets see if they can fill that in tomorrow or in Overnight..