ES 12-10-08

GM Traders running behind

Daily pp: 896.75
POC: 903
2007, GM and Toyota both sold 9.2 million cars worldwide. GM lost 38 billion $$ and Toyota made 17 billion $$. I don't think a bailout will help unless congress passes a law that says we have to buy GM, Ford or Chrysler cars
s @ 93.50
covering one
looking for 90, 86.25, 81.50... 1 off 92
going for a home run on the other!(881)
lol....I agree with you Bruce
flat 88.75
finally filled the opening gap
GOOD 4 YOU Pook! Just wanted to make sure we didnt scare you off!..out one at 892.25, plus 2.5 now up 4 on the day
TY Kool....takes alot to scare me off...up 14 pts for the day and I'm done, I think

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