ES 12-10-08

GM Traders running behind

Daily pp: 896.75
POC: 903
s @ 96.75
Still long from 889.00...this is one of my problems I hope to fix. When I have a good day I get stupid and get a bias and stop following my rules. Yeah right now its working out but alotta times it means I give alot back.
1 off 94.75
flat 95.25
98.50 is 127.2%
1.50 is 161.8%
Originally posted by Bruce Johnson

I always thought when the word stop was used it meant protection from a trade going in the wrong direction, but it seems in this room stop is synonomous with exit or target, is this the case?

I often use Stop Limit orders which means thats where I am entering a trade, but if I say I'm stopped out that means I lost.
VO- you always start with a 2 point stop???
Originally posted by myptofvu

jumped in long 889.00 this could be a big rally to HOD

No longer looking for HOD too late in the day gonna get out at 903.00 if it gets there.
thats a great trade mypto

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