ES 12-23-08

GM Traders

daily pp: 871.75
weekly pp: 885.25
POC: 869.75

60m: 905 / 849.75
15m: 878, 887.75 / 869.50, 862.25

Originally posted by bbrad63

i thought it was injure?

All I know is that when the bands fail I get injured
should have been paying attention to this instead

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i was to busy trying to find an upside move
sitting @867.50 for a long gotta go walk the dog

looking for 870.50
my buy is 864.50
watch the 65 area
bigs now only +4200
would not be surprised if we see a day like yesterday - where the sellers fight and claw to drag it down then at end of day they blow it to upside
we also have a 60m @ 50 ish
Hi VO. Thanks to you. I saw this and I am enjoying a good short run with a trailing stop.

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ABC Short 1 min
ABC projection off LOD...

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ABC projection off LOD