ES 12-23-08

GM Traders

daily pp: 871.75
weekly pp: 885.25
POC: 869.75

60m: 905 / 849.75
15m: 878, 887.75 / 869.50, 862.25

I think I am calling it quits for the holidays. I'll be back Friday or Monday. I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy Quanza...Happy Holidays!! Enjoy your families! I think we are all blessed to have found this forum and absolutely appreciate everyone who contributes here. I have to especially thank Kool and VO for all that they contribute to this site and have to say that they have made a huge difference in my trading.
Have a wonderful Christmas Margie
2 off 66.50
thanks margie...enjoy your holiday
anyone looking for 871 here? i got this from an a-b-c fib ext.

i know i don't post at all but i have been following the threads and studying them trying to figure this out...
happy holidays
here is the current abc with projections...this is a 610T, not sure what time frame your referring to.

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I have 1 left that I will use a close under trendline as stop...see above chart

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hope this chart upload workds... but this is the a-b-c on the 1 minute that i am looking at.
looks good sjzeno !
ABC projection off LOD...

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ABC projection off LOD