ES Monday 9-19-11

Here's my ES 30min Monkey Map of PASR levels as Red with White dashed lines as Wkly Pivots ... and Volume Profile of the past 20 days on the right vertical axis. The Gray background areas show overnight (non RTH) areas. Have a Fib cluster in and around 1183 as well (though not drawn in). Hope this is helpful.

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es 30m sr for 91911
you're robbing them blind!! ha
First pullback is a low risk buy, you know the rest..
Second target filled and first pullback worked like a champ..
S2 is 1191
Y, 1st pullback is usually a continuation move .. Russell already went thru IB
GAP filled on the third hour? hmmm...too early
NQ and DAX are far away above their Open but YM is below its Open
I should've bought the 96 area since it was a very close stop..oh well..
Going for that 1194.75 , gap fill short squezze
Third targetfilled for + 3pts
Id go broke trying to read todays posts and trade. In the morning I look for Bruces levels and see how they mesh with mine. Reading any more here will probably cause a brain fart {for me anyway}. A 1.5 stop in 35 pts ranges which we have been having is suicidal in my opinion. You can get an execution and stop at the same time. Best wishes and good trading RB