ES Tues 9-20-11

I think we need to start Tuesdays thread on the lighter side.

Me and my shed !!!!! Click on the image to view in "normal" size..

Click image for original size
I meant 702
The long is not over though but a 1208 entry should be in the cards again because that micro level broke
It may not get there, I may try the Russell again @700.70 with a 10 tick stop below the low wick..
Am I the only one trading?? What is everyone thinking????
I think odds are very good that we'll have a nice late day rally if we stay above 1208 so you want to be in a long position.. In @700.70, will give it another try
Russell@support level
[email protected], lets make some $$ first
Of course the moment I scalp, I will prob wish I didn't..
If you build again let me know, you can use the guys that built my building ... we even made a video: